Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 2
Wayzata's Best of Shareware 2.0 (Windows) (Wayzata Technology)(7112)(1994).bin
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Text File
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Date of Order____________________
Software Order To:
RCCO Research Associates 1.4a
P. O. Box 196
Gatlinburg, TN 37738 USA
(Please print or type all information.)
Name ___________________________________________________________________
Company ________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
___ { MONEY & BANKS } latest version ........... @ $25.00 ea. $ ____.__
(Includes a diskette with the latest authorized
registered version & documentation on diskette.)
(If ordering multiple copies, specify user's name
for each copy on the reverse side of this sheet.)
[ ] I am a registered user of Intuit's QUICKEN(tm) (any version)
and am enclosing a xerox copy of either the first page of my
Quicken manual or original Quicken disk #1. I am deducting
$5.00 from one copy of { MONEY & BANKS }.
One copy only, -$5.00: (-____.__)
Shipping $3.00 ($7.00 outside U.S.A.): $ ____.__
Subtotal: $ ____.__
Tennessee clients add 8.5% sales tax on Subtotal: $ ____.__
TOTAL (check or money order enclosed): $ ____.__
Diskette format (choose one): [ ] 5.25" 360k [ ] 3.5" 720k
Check or money order in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank. Purchase
orders must be accompanied by remittance in order to keep the prices as
reasonable as possible.
We would appreciate it if you would answer the following questions:
Do you have Windows 3.x (or greater)? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Do you regularly USE Windows 3.x (or greater)? Yes [ ] No [ ]
Where did you obtain your current copy of { MONEY & BANKS } ?
Source_____________________________ City_________________ ST/Prov_______
(Comments may be written on the back of this form or a separate sheet.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Purchasing a Registered Copy:
If you find this program useful and find that you would like to continue
using { MONEY & BANKS } after a reasonable trial period of ninety days, you
may purchase a registered copy by sending payment of U.S. $25.00 (plus $3.00
S&H; $7.00 non-U.S.) to RCCO Research Associates. Tennessee clients kindly
add the required 8.5% sales tax. Due to the low price, all corporate and
institutional purchase orders must be accompanied by remittance. Please
indicate disk size desired. Shipment is usually made via First Class Mail in
Complete the order form with your text editor, if desired, and print it out.
Otherwise, you may turn on your printer and, at the DOS prompt, type:
and fill in the print-out form by hand or typewriter. Alternatively, you may
send a note or letter containing your name/address, disk size desired, and
payment. We would appreciate knowing where you obtained your present copy of
{ MONEY & BANKS }; we utilize this information on your source for future
marketing purposes.
*Please note* that we might well have expanded/improved our technical support
services and availability by the time you send in your registration or may
do so at some point in the future. Registered users will be notified of, and
provided with, the latest support services as they may become available.
Thank you for your order; we welcome you as a registered user.